VIP Sponsors’ Club
This is the main category and consists of a maximum of 8 sponsors. All companies enjoy high profile treatment and maximum visibility during the Sarajevo Film Festival, and have complete exclusivity of their products or services.
Together with each individual company, the Festival creates a sponsorship deal, and plans special joint activities that meet the needs and wishes of both the Partner and the Festival.
Various activities take place not only during the eight days of the Festival but also throughout the entire year.
Companies in the VIP Sponsor Club category are integrated into the Festival’s channels of communication, with the inclusion of their logo in Sarajevo Film Festival publications, other print materials (e.g., the poster), the Festival trailer and the banner at press conferences. Maximum visibility is also guaranteed through additional PR activities.
The VIP Sponsor Club consists of:
Main Sponsors (up to 3 sponsors) and Exclusive Sponsors (up to 5 partners).